On Thursday, the community welcomed the opening of Rooster’s in the former O’Charley’s on Morse Road. The grand opening was going wonderfully until about 8:30 PM. That is when this man, Ernest Stoney rolled into the kitchen pretending to be an employee.

Everybody working in the kitchen thought nothing of it, as they were all new themselves. Ernest the took out a pound of the Devil’s Lettuce and used it as seasoning on multiple orders of wings. About 65 orders were served before somebody realized what was going on. Patrons everywhere were smiling, quiet, watching the world in a daze. The manager had to put Delicate Steve on the radio to enhance the mood. The restaurant was at a standstill, nobody was leaving, so no new tables could be sat. Finally around 11PM, everybody up and went home saying best meal ever!

Ernest was never caught as he slipped out the back door making his way towards Meijer. If anybody knows the whereabouts of Mr. Stoney, please call The Franklin County Committee for a Stoned Ohio so that they can bring him in for questioning.

Chicken Wings